N nucelotide sequence snapgene viewer
N nucelotide sequence snapgene viewer

Uploaded tracks will expire 60 days after they are last touched in the browser streamed tracks will persist until you remove them. The 'Your Data' widget allows you to add custom tracks for display in the Sequence Viewer alongside NCBI-provided tracks, by either uploading files or streaming data from remotely-hosted files. Sequence Viewer is used in several resources at NCBI, so you may already be familiar with its use. Full documentation for Sequence Viewer is available as Sequence Viewer documentation in the Graphical Panel section. There are multiple tools to support navigation within the graphical display, known as Sequence Viewer. Navigate to a particular exon by clicking on the appropriate circle move to the upstream or downstream exon by clicking on the appropriate arrow flanking the exon selector. When a gene is selected there will be one or more open circles at the right representing the exons of the gene. Clicking on 'Region' will bring up a menu (Figure below) with options for limiting the view range for the gene with or without padding.ġ0% padding is selected by default. When a single gene is selected, you can move up and down the chromosome, one gene at a time, by clicking on the double arrows (circled red above) to the previous gene (left) or next gene (right) of the Gene selector region. You can navigate quickly to a gene by clicking on its symbol. When a region of sequence is displayed that includes one or more genes, the symbols for those genes are provided in the menu labeled 'Gene' in the blue bar under the ideogram. If you click on the edge of the blue-colored section, a double-headed arrow will indicate that you can expand or contract the range by dragging that edge left or right as appropriate. If you click on the center, the cross-shaped icon will display indicating you can drag the view left or right. Locate the blue-colored section indicating the cytogenetic band(s) being displayed. The chromosome overview - or ideogram - atop the page supports both changing the range of the display, and moving the range of the display. These include navigation by cytogenetic band supported by the horizontal ideogram display at the top of the page by gene in the blue bar by exon in the selected gene in the blue bar, modifying zoom level or panning in Sequence Viewer, clicking on a feature in Sequence Viewer, etc. There are multiple tools provided to support navigation on the sequence being displayed. Select a gene from the drop down menu to navigate to it. The "History" section displays your recent gene searches. Note that the results section has two tabs, one for genes and one for all other features. If multiple results are returned by your query, select one for display by clicking on its row in the results under the search box.

  • Additional gene search examples can found here.
  • Note that base pairs (bp) can be writen out, or abbreviated (K for kb, M for Mb) To limit the scope of the display by size, indicate the size after a slash (/) as in the "chr1:1,500,000 / 200". An asterisk (*) can be used as a wild card for gene symbols only. Here you will note that Variation Viewer supports queries by location in multiple formats, by cytogenetic band, gene symbol, or dbSNP ID (rs number) or dbVar ID (esv and nsv number). When you move your cursor to the area of the search box, note that the option 'Search examples' is displayed. Variation Viewer supports both the current and previous versions of the reference human genome assembly - GRCh38 and GRCh37.p13.Įnter your query in the input box in the Search section. Select the assembly to query in the Pick Assembly section. You can locate regions of interest through the control panel at the upper left of the page.

    N nucelotide sequence snapgene viewer